Below are a sample of just a few of the current projects I am working on.

Implicit Moral Bias
Do we have an implicit moral bias that influences our cognition and behavior?
If so, what are the underlying neural mechanisms and behavioral consequences of such bias?
How might our moral biases interact with implicit racial biases?

Fear of Missing Out (FoMO)
How might FoMO influence our judgments of moral violations?
Do those with higher levels of trait FoMO engage in more moral conformity?
When and how might FoMO impact the moral decision making process?

Moral Motivation
Do people have state motivations for moral behavior?
Can moral or immoral behaviors be predicted by an individual's motivation?
What factors play a role in shaping these transitory moral motivations?

Motivation for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
Do people have state motivations for physical activity and sedentary behavior?
Can movement/rest behaviors be predicted by an individual's motivation?
What factors play a role in shaping these transitory movement motivations?